Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New semester

Classes have started back up for the new semester.
Our first class, the V's class, was taught by Ms. Munro since our normal teacher wasn't there.
I really liked this. I love a good Ms. M class.
She didn't go easy on us, which was good. She corrected my arm placement, which I've now been trying to be conscious about. It also made me feel good to know I'm seen. That something subtle and slight is noticed and fixed. Now it's my job to make sure she doesn't have to correct it again.

We did pointe, which had a few elements that I normally would get nervous over or avoid. I was unable to do some of them, but not without trying first. Partially was because my shoes are nearing death, so I didn't want to risk the rolled ankle before auditions. I didn't walk away from it afraid of these steps, though, so that is a big step for me.
Also, when it came to doing pirouettes, I was actually able to get around. Ms. M wanted doubles, but I was very satisfied in my solid single for now. It can do with improvement, and I definitely need to spot my head more, and get a better plie, but it's a vast improvement from what I am typically capable of. I will take it, and work harder to make it better.

I seemed to mess up many things that shouldn't have been difficult, but I just brushed it off. No sense getting worked up over something I know that I can do. It's whatever.

Ms. Heidi's class felt really good. We started working with some ideas she's playing with for recital, and I was excited to see what she's got going. I was nervous, but I think it has a lot of potential. I wish it could just be the girls that were in class on Monday--the ones who are always there. The piece would look so clean that way. But I know that's out of our control.
It felt good to let go and try new things. That's my favorite; when I can let go and just dance. Not think about specifics or how technical it is or if I'm enough. Just dancing because I like to do it. And not being judged on how bad or good I am. I don't have anyone to impress or anything to prove.

Yesterday's VI's class went fairly well, too. My stomach is doing it's typical hating me ritual, which really puts a damper on things. I tried to push through anyway, and thankfully didn't have to sit anything more out than I usually would because of my knees. And even so, I'm able to watch those things and mark them and try to sort them out in my head so if I ever do have to do them, I can at least have some grasp of it to be able to attempt.

We started working on recital, which is super exciting. It's a bit of a stretch for me, as I typically screw up a lot in the beginning of things. But once I have it down, I nail it. So I did my best, wrote down what we learned, and plan to go over it until I have it on the right count and my lines look good.

(I am so excited to be in this piece.)

Instead of working in the small studio, I watched the Advanced Jazz class. It was really cool to get to see them work on something that isn't so technical. The girls in that class have a lot of talent, some I never really noticed before. But gosh, is it evident now. It made me want to just take a million pictures and capture what I see.
It was cool as well to watch Julie as she came up with all of this. Seeing her mind process and these sections of the dance come to life. Watching a master at work.
I sat there, watching and thinking, "I wish I could do that." And it was then that I realized, "This is exactly what I do with words." Whether its words people ever see or not, it's the same process. My grammar may not always be perfect and sometimes I really like run-on sentences, but the concept is the same.

Words are my dance.

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