Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Remember to breathe.

I have a horrible habit.
When I focus really hard, I forget to breathe.
Whether it be while crocheting, reading, watching the turning point in a movie, something super specific...
Anything that demands my full attention.
Sometimes I'll be on a long black train of thoughts and realize I'm not breathing.

It's worst when I dance.
Trying to remember everything; turn out from the hip, use your core, pull up in your legs, chest lifted. Let alone trying to do a circular port de bras and rond de jambe at the same time. In releve.
If you forget to breathe, forget it. You'll end a 30 second combination super light headed and beat down.

I was having a rough night this week, and a dear friend said simply, "Remember to breathe."
When I get really upset, I'll hold my breathe. I don't even realize it.
But it's like in dance when I'm really focused. I have to remember or else it's going to make the next combination even more difficult.

I'm never going to be put through anything I can't handle.
If I can remember to breathe, remember to think clearly, remember to dismiss the lies telling me of all the ways I fall short, then I will be able to endure. Then the next thing that comes at me will be endurable. I'll know I can do it because I have before.

Remember to breathe.
Everything is better in the morning.

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