Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Friday, August 23, 2013


Yesterday was a pretty rough day for me health-wise.
I started feeling pretty sick, and wasn't sure how I would be able to hold up in dance class.
Not gonna lie, I considered skipping.
But I love it so much that I figured I'd go, and if I had to take it easy or bow out early, I'd do that.
I'd rather do what I can than not try at all.

Jilissa is still out of town, so we had another sub.
I'm assuming by the turn out yesterday that Thursdays are going to be our slower days again.
Honestly, I'm okay with that.
It took me a little bit to endure through the icky feelings. My knee held up alright until pointe class, but the pain didn't last long. Honestly, all the stretching and working of the muscles felt good.

We only had about ten people in the Beginner/Intermediate class, five in pointe, and only two of us in advanced. Granted, some of the dance staples were out of town, but even so some of them have a schedule conflict with Tap.

I was pretty excited that advanced was only two of us. And that the other one was Sarah Miller was better still. She's better than me, but it's still a level I can keep up with. I loved getting the exposure and being able to try new things. Also since there were only two of us, Christy was able to focus on us more and correct more things. We were able to fine tune and learn a months worth in one class.
I left there feeling like I could conquer anything. Like I can still succeed in class. Like all this work and effort is paying off.
I'm excited to see where this semester goes.

On Wednesday, I got a sneak peek of what the advertisement is going to look like for the dance festival the studio puts on. They used my pictures and it looks AWESOME.
I'm so excited :)

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