Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Thursday, February 12, 2015

If you have something nice to say...

"Wow! Yes, it's definitely a different process, in terms of things not always being explained. I would have never known based on your dancing, though, if I hadn't friended you on Facebook and found out that way."

Say it.

This was from one of the principal dancers at my studio.
She told me about a YouTube channel for adult dancers that she and a friend have (which is amazing by the way) and asked if I started dancing as an adult.
When I told her I started at 23, 3 1/2 years ago, she said the above quote.

Now you must understand, she is one of the greatest dancers I've seen. Insanely talented and obviously dedicated, she has muscles on her muscles. She's one of those that may be shorter, but you wouldn't be able to tell by her dancing.
She also teaches the class before mine on Thursdays, and I come early to watch her with the younger girls. I feel like I can learn so much even on the other side of the one-way mirror.
And no one at this studio really knows me. They're starting to know my name now that I did The Nutcracker, but they hardly even know that I'm not a teenager, let alone twenty-six. How would any of them know my story if they've never asked? They wouldn't.

But she asked a simple question.
And her reaction has done more for my little heart than I could ever thank her for.
Because she's right.
Starting as an adult is so very different, and you're not always given the explanation or room to make mistakes as you are when you're younger. Even though you haven't been in it as long, you're expected to know more, even if no one says anything. People my age are professionals by now, and here I am barely in it.
Meanwhile, I have this insanely good dancer taking the time out to care about the adults who start out and the struggles it brings.

Poor thing got a synopsis of my sob-story, and I'm trying not to feel stupid about saying it. It is what it is, and you either have to decide you've had enough and give in, or refuse to give up and take the hits as they come. I guess no one at this studio really knows so it's weird that someone does. Oh well.
Life is life. It's not going to be perfect.

Today is a funny day anyway. And it's February, which always is a little more difficult for me. (And no, not because of the 14th.)

But this was really nice of her to say, and I wanted to post it on here so I don't forget it.

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