Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Empty studio

Usually on Tuesdays, I'm only at the studio until about 7pm. This is considered early for me, as most of my classes start at 7 and go til 9. (I get there at 5 because it's just easier than going home, which is far away. And traffic sucks.) Last night, however, I didn't leave until after 9.

On Monday, Ms. Munro came up to me during barre and asked what time I could get here the next day. She had a board meeting and no one to man the desk after she left. I told her my class was at 6, but I get here at 5 and I can do it if she'd like. She said not to skip the class (haha) but if I could be there it'd be great. I got there, answered the phones, and manned the desk until Julie's class started.
There were only 10 people in class, which if I remember correctly was about typical of the 6s last year. The kicker? There's 30+ people on the roll list.

I was able to do yesterday's class without my knee brace. I took it easy on the fondus, but I really wanted to at least attempt them so I can get used to it and find my boundaries. I've noticed if I work hard to hold my hips square, it doesn't hurt my knee as much. I also noticed yesterday that it looks as though my shin bone is what's longer on the right leg. Weird, huh?

Class felt good. It wasn't too hard, but just enough of a challenge. I noticed myself getting better and stronger when it comes to doing fast frappe's or degage's or tondue's. I still have a lot to work on, but the improvement is nice.

After the hour of barre I stay for, I went back into the office. Andie came in and we looked through recital costumes for her three classes she has. It was quite fun. Looking through all the different options and playing around with music tracks and laughing at the same costume that keeps popping up everywhere. The phone rang a couple times while I was there, but none of the inquiries were complex, so that was nice.

Mia's class in the pink studio ended at 7:45. Julie had her Jazz class at 7:45 until 8:45.
This got me to thinking.
I could go home, or I could be the one to do all the closing up responsibilities and in the meantime, use the open studio to work on my weaker, shorter leg in my pointe shoes.
(guess which one I chose.)

There's a portable phone, so I took it with me. No one was in the foyer, no one was there to potentially decide to see what I was doing in the studio. (granted there are curtains I could draw if I wanted. I just forget about them.) I put on some music and just let it play. Starting at the barre, working on doing proper plies and finding how difficult it is to releve en pointe when one leg is shorter and gets there sooner. I did plie releves on my shorter, weaker leg, while holding on to the barre. I did it with the longer, stronger leg as well to see the difference in the two. The shorter leg is impossible to do without the barre, the longer leg is possible but still a bit difficult. (Forget trying to releve without a plie.)
In class on Monday, I realized how much I've been struggling to do proper pique turns. They aren't hard, but I can't seem to go in a straight line, and I want to make sure I'm plieing enough as well as spotting and holding my arms correctly and having proper alignment and straight knees. I wanted to get more fluid in these, so I can do them quicker as was required in Monday's V's class that I struggled with.

My left side is impossible to go straight when turning. I worked and worked and worked on it, trying to make sure everything was being executed exactly as it is supposed to be. It was rough.
I worked on my right side, and noticed I didn't get on my box all the way. I do for the most part on my left side, but the right is lacking. So I worked on this side for a while, trying to figure out why that was happening and what I could do to improve. I did pique passe's across the floor to get the proper feel of it as well as placement and staying in a line. I kept switching off between sides, working on this and that. After about 20 minutes, I went back to the barre for more plies and releves. I did them really slowly to get a good feel for the motion and make sure I was rolling through correctly, as well as getting a good, deep plie.
I stretched a bit after and laid there, seeing a cool angle of my pointe shoes, hahaha.

Don't let the smirk fool you, I'm dead inside.
(But the good kind, ya know.)
(PS. Shirt is from an etsy shop run by dancers. TurningPointeApparel. So great)

I took off my shoes in the office, but not before I got my polaroid of the day from that fun angle of my shoes. Not sure if it came out well or not, I haven't seen it. hah.
My pinkie toe on my left food is doing this fun thing where it rubs the skin off, kinda, so that's cute.
Then I noticed that I managed to do this.

That would be a hole in my toe pads.
(thankfully new ones are in the mail)

I watched bits of the Jazz class. Seeing them dance the way they did make me feel all sorts of things. Mainly, that I never want to stop dancing. I want to feel how they must feel while dancing. I want to improve to get to that level.


He's a blurry one of my shoes. Ribbons out and all. 

Here's my feet with Mrs. Alex's when we were manning the desk. Hehe.

Lalalalalala this is my post and this is the end of it.

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