Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Updates (and pictures, hi)

I haven't been posting as much because life is pretty overwhelming and sometimes that can spill over into the dance section of life.
I know much of this is temporary, so I'm trying to just get through the best I can with the least casualties.

A few updates, though:

Yesterday in the Jazz V's class, I was paired with one of my little nuggets, Rachel, whom I haven't seen in forever. We were given a set amount of time and a set piece of music to choreograph to. Our piece ended up being the only one largely praised. The main bit of corrections was things that would get better with practice and was in our original intention, so that's cool. We came up with the concept, which we both kinda had separately and came together to put it together. I had to rely heavily on Rachel since I haven't only taken last weeks class and haven't had much Jazz before. Rachel had great ideas, and we put it together and made a pretty spectacular piece, if I do say so myself. Rachel isn't shy, which makes it so much easier to work with--especially in a time crunch. I was really proud of us.
They started passing out the recital forms, and I asked Heidi if I could be in the Jazz V's piece. I was going to mention it's okay if not, or if she didn't think I was quite up to it I understood, but her eyes got wide and she was really excited I asked. She said "We could definitely use you, you're a solid base" to which I started singing Meghan Trainer, and laughing because I've always been a solid base my whole life so it's no surprise. She then commented on how I bring something to it with my depth and acting abilities. I told her this is the kind of dancing I really want to do, but haven't had a class like this that will take me where I am instead of expecting me to be more. And I hope soon that I can even learn more complex things, if my body allows.

Speaking of my body.
I asked my chiropractor yesterday about my back. He agreed it looks worse, and told me how they're trying to get different lifts in and when they figure out where they ordered them from last time (the person who did the ordering left) he'll get me one. He also said my back will always be like this. I'm contemplating a second opinion, but the hard part with that is affording a second opinion. I asked two of my dance friends if they knew of anything I could do to better dance with this issue, but they didn't know much either, and also suggested a second opinion. My friend from Instep has scoliosis, so I messaged her and she gave me some solid tips on how to improve my turns when it's a struggle to stay square, so that's nice.

We had our Nutcracker pictures on Sunday. I was there for 8 hours. It was exhausting and I ended up pretty sick. So that was cute. But it's okay, and the pictures came out good so that's nice.
Here are a few fun ones that are on my phone. A bajillion more on my camera.

(we laughed at this one for a good long while)

I'm taking next week off of work to essentially avoid everyone ever. Hah. But really I need to get things in order with my house so I'll feel a little more at ease. I don't have time to do it on weekends until after Nutcracker, so that would be January. Also, I have pictures I have to edit and more on the way, so I don't want to get too held up with that. I decided, also, to take the week off of dance to really maximize my productivity time. I plan to come into town twice to drink coffee and do endless editing, plus Shrub's birthday but the rest of the time I'll be invisible. (This doesn't apply to the chosen few who are amazing and hopefully get to help me with stuff. Aka, the Rowlands. I love the Rowlands. Also maybe Elizabeth. Cause she's fab. But that depends on scheduling. And obviously Shrub's birthday.)
I think this will be good to do a total reset. I know already there are certain things I really don't want to go back to, but this is life and I have to face it. It'll be okay. I'll make it through. Even though it's may not be right or fair. Nothing lasts forever.
(Now I'm singing Wildest Dreams. This is the opposite of a problem.)
(Also, happy first birthday, 1989.)

I have wonderful people in my life that I am extremely grateful for that have really carried me through this difficult time in my life. I wish I could explain what they truly mean to me.

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