Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Monday, October 19, 2015

First Flowers Rehearsal

I managed to luck out, I guess, and not have rehearsal until yesterday giving me an extra weekend to do things I needed to.
I was expecting Flowers to be really chaotic and stressful. I had heard that it was always a bit of madness and confusion. This made me nervous, especially since I'm pretty burned out as it is. I didn't know how quickly I'd break or how much I'd be able to take.

During warm up, we started off with push-ups. I am absolutely terrible at them, to the point where I typically avoid them out of embarrassment. I didn't even remember this was a thing for a while, until I started noticing the pattern. Then I remembered being teased as a kid. I remembered my shortcomings. I remembered how my hardest has never been enough.
I remembered.
But as we began yesterday, I didn't think twice about doing them until I was 2 push-ups in. And I realized I was actually doing them. And I remembered how I'm not sick anymore, and how much more my body has been able to do already. So I tried to do them all, and as my face got closer to the floor, right before I pushed it back up with the rest of my body, I thought, "I'm so grateful I can do push-ups." The girls next to me were giving up, pretending to do them on their knees. They're fully capable if they apply themselves. Their bodies are well. And then I remembered that mine is too, now, for the most part. That I should do these things since I am able. How precious something as simple and complex as a push-up is. What a privilege it is that I can even do these.
And I did them.
Every last one of them.
And I feel it this morning and it makes me so happy.

As we proceeded to the barre, I noticed my brain being sort of spaced. Not in the typical cloudy way, but in a way that there was just nothing there. I also noticed that I held my balances in places I usually can't and longer in other places. So that was nice.

There were a few changes in casting. A person dropped here, another injured there. After the dust settled, Ileana got moved up to Lilacs (!!!!!!!!) and Catherine, Isabel, and Maddie didn't have to share anymore. (I don't think Sheridan was sharing before? If she was, she isn't either.) I can't express how proud I am of these girls. They work so hard and it's showing. Ileana has that "it" that comes together to form the ideal dancer. I love getting to be there to watch her as she grows class after class. She is so elegant without even trying--it's just in her. So to see her get moved up, my heart about exploded.
Same for the girls that don't have to share anymore. They really proved themselves. These are also the girls who pay attention in class and work hard every day. They're the ones that go home and practice and give it their all when they're here. They're on the verge of greatness, and I'm so excited for them! My babies are growing up!

They started with Roses, since they come out first, then us Petite Fleurs. When they worked with us, Jolene helped with the specifics of it. She was a Petite Fleur last year and remembered it really well. It was really nice having her there to help. She was able to answer my questions on details and helped me feel more confident about what I was doing rather than just fumbling around. I think this was pivotal in helping me not panic. We picked it up fairly decently and were able to learn quite a bit. I really like it and am excited the more we learn. It's not out of my depth, so I can do everything without fear. (Though I almost rolled my ankle twice yesterday? whatever.) I even get to be in the front for this back cambre thing we do. Not that we'll be seen all that well, but it's exciting nonetheless.

I'm excited, too, because this music is easy to count. Although, there was a point or two where Ms. M said I was the only one on the counts. Abarrane saw it, too, and tole me I was the only one who looked like they knew what they were doing. Not sure why this tends to happen, but I'm confident the girls will do just fine when they've had a little more practice.
Annika said some really nice things to me afterwards.

So that made me feel really good...

I may not be where I want to be yet, but I'm on my way.
I really need to sew my new pointe shoes, but I don't know when I'm going to have time. I should have brought them today, but I didn't think about it. Emerson said she could sew them since she can't dance with the boot and she's so bored. I told her I'd trade her head shots for it. So if I can get them to her, that would be great.

I'm excited for class tonight, even with my dead shoes and stupid longer leg. 
I got the email telling about company head shots and jackets (finally!) so that's exciting. We have program pictures next week, but I'm not sure what times I'm to be there yet.
I really need to re-find my camera cards from Europe so I can clean them off and have them available for shoots... I can't wait until I'm not perpetually moving in anymore. Slowly but surely, I guess.
My right leg is all sorts of sore this morning. Which is great, except that it's the leg that's already stronger anyway. I guess I really engaged my muscles during rehearsal yesterday, haha!

I think I'm going to drop Thursday's class and stay the extra class on Tuesday's. That way I have a day of the week to hopefully get stuff done since I don't have Friday's now. Plus I seem to be gone on Thursdays pretty often. Meh. 

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