Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Nutcracker 2015, first weekend

We made it through our first weekend of performances.

I did Rat Queen and Petit Fleur on Saturday night and just Petit Fleur on Sunday.
My body decided this would be a super fun time to not like food, so that got really cute really quickly. I somehow managed, though, and made it through.

It was a really fun weekend. I did Rat Queen the best I've ever done it, though I could still improve more. Jessica is so good at it, it's kind of difficult to match it. But I didn't miss anything or fall out of the lift or anything like that, so that was good. I have one more chance to do it, and I'm excited. (two if you count the rehearsal I probably have.)

We had school shows on Friday, which is where I did my messing up. It wasn't that bad, or all that noticeable, so I just kinda roll with it. The kids are great. One of them told me I looked like a clown, which I got a good laugh out of. (In my petit fleur costume, even.) Some of them just came right up and hugged you, which made me a puddle on the floor. It's really cool to see their faces light up.

One of the nights, when we came out to begin finale, you could hear a child somewhere near the front gasp and say, "Look! The flowers!" It definitely made the smile on my face real and made me feel good. Sometimes it can feel pretty monotonous, being a petit fleur. It's nice to be reminded that every role matters from someone who is out in the audience.

The Clara's for this weekend completely rocked the role. I was so proud to watch them and found myself with chills, even after seeing it for the umpteenth time. They worked so hard and completely embodied the role, you couldn't help but feel something.

This year, I haven't really been in the dressing rooms much, which can be kinda lame, or kinda great. It's definitely great. I love getting to see the hard work come to life, and also get to take pictures of and support my friends in their various roles.
There's something about show season that is extra special over the regular dancing season. Classes are great and learning and growing is important, but getting to put on a production with your friends who share the same love as you is something hard to describe. This really is my family; the one I chose for myself. They are there to support me and help me when I need it. They laugh with me and cry with me. They love me, and I obviously love them. Even the difficult members, haha.

We have this one life, and this is part of it. It's not just about accomplishing something, but about all the steps it takes to get there. A story with just a beginning and an end doesn't make for very interesting reading. What makes it great is the middle--the journey. This is that middle part, the dash between the dates of when we're born and when we die. We get to choose how to fill it an how we handle the things that come at us. We are creating now the stories we will tell when we're old and grey, or even just in a few years when we look back on these ballet years. These people are the names we will say to those listening. the ones we'll write about in memoirs. Obviously, not all of them, but the ones that truly matter to us. You never know who someone is going to become. They could be the next Margot Fonteyn or The Beatles for all you know. Or you could be. Who's to say that won't be so? We are living history.

I'm going to be really sad when this show is over, but I'll look forward to the Spring show. I want to take every opportunity to be with and around my dance friends that I can--they make me feel alive. I think the hardest part of this new job is knowing how much of that I'm going to have to sacrifice, and the reality that my body just isn't cooperating like I need it to be. I'm trying not to worry about the future now. I'm not there yet. Who knows what will happen between today and the days ahead?

Here are some pictures from this last weekend's shows and rehearsals.

Lauren, Clara on Saturday night

"foot five" from when I learned how to really tie my shoes.

Abarrane killing it

Eloise, elegant as always

View from the stage

I don't know why this always twists, but oh well. My feet on the left, Abarrane's on the right.

I was given these polaroids and decided to take them entirely of Nutcracker things. They came out really well, I'd say.

This one is of me and Mariela. I love it

Dressing room, featuring Sheridan.

Sleeping Shrub

Abarrane and I

Watching rehearsals. In aw.

Shrub and Lauren!

This was from Katerina's birthday party between school shows and rehearsal. So. Much. Fun.

Dressing room, featuring Adrienne.

Allison as snow backstage



Allison, Lauren, and Annika

Lauren and I

Abarrane and Lauren

My sweet Lillian came and got some great pictures backstage. It's so nice to actually be in the pictures for a change!

Ms. Heidi

(Thanks for this one, Shrub)



Alyssa as Clara from Sunday night

Elizabeth as Snow Queen


Eloise, Elizabeth, me and Abarrane

Adrienne and me

For real though

Emerson had to drop out because of torn ligaments, but was able to be our Nutcracker at the end of the show! We were all so glad to have her!

Mariela and me

Alyssa and me after her Clara night

Alyssa as Clara

Mariela in Spanish

the angels (melt)


A girl scout troop from Portland got to meet some of us backstage after Sunday's show. They were absolutely adorable, and asked questions about the show and Ms. Munro showed them the stage and how the curtains fly in and out and the lights and everything that goes into making the show. Some asked how old you have to be to dance en pointe and how it even happens and what the shoes do to help. I asked if they wanted to feel the shoes, and explained what they were made out of. They were in awe. As they were leaving, one of the adults asked me if it was easier to get en pointe when you're older or younger. I told her both had their pros and cons. That your feet are stronger when your older, which makes some things easier, but when you're younger, you're fearless. Risk is easier. And you have to be able to take risks. I told them I was twenty-five when I started and they were pretty shocked to hear I was twenty-seven and only danced 4 years. I told them about Annika, and how she has only done ballet for 4 years and she's Clara. It's never too late. You have to want it and be willing to work hard. 

One of the girls takes classes at Munro, and she was thrilled to get to be on the stage and see everything. We turned around to see her dancing and spinning and just losing herself on the stage, having the time of her life.

This is what it's about.

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