Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Performance #1

I went to my church Christmas program this morning, and there was a girl probably 8 or 9 who was crying during part of it. She was an angel, so she wasn't supposed to be crying, but her parents had said they would come see her, and they didn't show. She had a slight moment of weakness and let the tears flow, then pulled it together and carried on the best she could.
It's so important to support your kids in what they do, no matter how short or trivial it may seem.
My parents came to the show last night and let me tell you, it meant the absolute world to me.
It was my first actual performance on pointe, so I was nervous, especially considering how the practice went the day before. Usually I practice the turn right before, but I was helping my friend in Spanish with a quick change into roses in the time before my part. By the time we finished, I had about a minute before we went on when I quickly tried a turn. One of my fellow Chinese whispered, "you got this, be confident!" And I took her word for it. 
And wouldn't you know it, I did the turn! My face lit up and I was freaking out with excitement. When I got off stage I said, "I did it!" And ms munro was there and she pat me on the back and said, "you did it! Well done!"
And as a plus, the principals who were struggling in rehearsal also nailed their parts. I loved seeing their faces light up as they nailed the difficult parts seemlessly. (Plus I got some killer pictures from the wings. Ms Alex was behind me at one point and smiled at me. She makes me happy.)
Our Clara was phenomenal as well and the whole show just went really well. I was so proud.
And then, to top it off, I walked out and the moment I looked up at the sky, a shooting star went by, almost like it was waiting for me to look at it.
The most perfect nutcracker ever.

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