Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Everything I need to know about life, I learned in dance class

Friday, December 19, 2014

Week two, here we go.

So the days since our last performance have been filled with emotions all over the spectrum.

  • My neighbor died
  • My old roommate had her baby
  • My friend's mom died
Not to mention all the family and work drama. Oddly, this doesn't feel like all that much, but in four days, it kinda hits.

Needless to say, I was really excited to have rehearsal tonight. Dance makes me feel like I'm alive and have something to live for. Not that I don't without it, but it just encompasses all those emotions in a way other things don't. And dancing on the theater stage just amplifies it. It feels right, and it feels like I never want to leave, even if every seat is empty.

There was a moment when they were running the battle scene. A good sized group of us were sitting on the floor in the aisles of the audience, talking about this that or the other. I looked at the stage and took a moment to take it in. Someone walked past and smiled at me, and that's when I realized what was at the root of everything I was feeling--acceptance.
Here I was, this new person, no one owes me a thing or knows me from Adam, but they liked me. They accepted me. They listen when I speak and let me listen to them speak. They're kind towards me and inclusive.

I guess this is kind of new to me. This never really happened in High School, but it never really didn't happen. I guess I'm in a place where I am more confident in myself and don't rely on outside sources for verification, so having acceptance feels refreshing. I don't need  it, but that makes it all the better.

I danced the best I've done this season, I think. It felt good.
That feeling of just completely letting go, dancing because it's in your soul and not caring what anyone around you is thinking. Just doing it for yourself. It was a good day.

Sadly, it wasn't for everyone. Several of the younger kids were out sick, and one of the flowers came down wrong on her foot and rolled it. This season seems to be plagued.

Still, we march on.

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